英検®2級 Reading大問[2] 模擬問題に挑戦 第3回 by 梅田英会話



■英検2級 長文穴埋め問題1

緑色の部分が「抽象」オレンジ色の部分が「具体」になります。オレンジ色部分の具体例をまとめると、緑色の部分になります。その観点で、( 1 )に当てはまるものを考えてみましょう。

※副詞のカタマリを<  >、名詞のカタマリを [  ] で囲っています。


The last several generations of parents have given thought to how technology (  1  ). Two generations back parents worried about how long their kids watched TV. One generation ago, parents felt [playing computer games was a waste of their children’s time]. Now, parents are concerned about their children’s usage of smartphones.

(1)1. is key to their children’s success

   2. increasingly unites the generations

  3. has complicated their own lives

  4. negatively affects their children



■英検2級 長文穴埋め問題2


All human beings have a “comfort zone”regulating the distance ( they (  2  ) ) This distance varies interestingly> <across different cultures and is nearly always unconscious. South Americans normally prefer being quite close together when communicating, often moving their faces even closer < as a conversation progresses >>. North Americans find this uncomfortable and often back away. Studies have found [that they tend to feel most comfortable at about 21 inches apart]. In much of Asia and Africa, there is even more space between two people in conversation.

※regulate ~を調整する / vary様々に変化する、異なる / progress 進展する

緑色部分が筆者の主張(=抽象的内容)であり、黄色の部分が具体例(①南米、②北米、③アジア・アフリカ)になります。具体例①②③の内容をまとめたものが( 1 )に入ります。

※副詞のカタマリを<  >、形容詞のカタマリを(  )、名詞のカタマリを [  ] で囲っています。


(2)1. are willing to travel for vacations

   2. prefer to live from other people

  3. keep from someone when they talk

  4. create to avoid horrible events


