英検®準1級 Reading大問[2] 模擬問題に挑戦 第2回 by 梅田英会話




1. 英検準1級大問 [2] 空所補充 模擬問題

  For most people, having children is a life goal and a pleasure. However, one campaign group hopes to convince us, for the sake of the planet, (  1  ). The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT) believes that humans have done too much damage here on Earth, causing millions of species of animals and plants to go extinct ― so now we should be the ones to go extinct. By choosing not to create more humans, they say, we will allow nature to recover.

  (1)1. to talk more about politics        

    2. not to reproduce at all

    3. to adopt healthier lifestyles      

    4. not to spend time outdoors


  As one might expect, this position is not a popular one. Opponents argue that humans are a part of nature; that people will never be convinced to deny their biology; and that not all of us act in ways that harm the planet. They suggest VHEMT’s philosophy is a cruel one, and its members must be happy when human lives are lost to natural disasters and illness. However, representatives of the Movement (  2  ). Their motto is “Live Long and Die Out” ― which is to say, they do not wish for existing humans to suffer and die, but for no more to come into the world.

 (2)1. have never denied this fact       

   2. refuse to discuss this

   3. insist this is not the case          

    4. say we should accept this



2. 解説

いかがでしたか。まずは第一段落から見ていきましょう。緑色の部分が「抽象的内容(=筆者の主張)」であり、黄色の部分が「具体例」になります。さらに、抽象的内容の部分に「逆接」の論理関係があります。空所( 1 )を含む文が、「具体的記述(黄色の部分)」と同一内容になるという点を意識すれば、正解が見えてきます。

For most people, having children is a life goal and a pleasure. However, one campaign group hopes to convince us, for the sake of the planet, (  1  ). The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT) believes that humans have done too much damage here on Earth, causing millions of species of animals and plants to go extinct ― so now we should be the ones to go extinct. By choosing not to create more humans, they say, we will allow nature to recover.

 (1) 1. to talk more about politics        

  2. not to reproduce at all

  3. to adopt healthier lifestyles      

  4. not to spend time outdoors


第二段落はHoweverの前後が逆接、つまり「反対派は~と主張しているが、VHEMTの代表者は~と主張」という論理関係になっています。それに注目すれば、空所( 2 )に入るものが見えてきます。

  As one might expect, this position is not a popular one. Opponents argue that humans are a part of nature; that people will never be convinced to deny their biology; and that not all of us act in ways that harm the planet. They suggest VHEMT’s philosophy is a cruel one, and its members must be happy when human lives are lost to natural disasters and illness. However, representatives of the Movement (  2  ). Their motto is “Live Long and Die Out” ― which is to say, they do not wish for existing humans to suffer and die, but for no more to come into the world.

 (2) 1. have never denied this fact       

  2. refuse to discuss this

  3. insist this is not the case          

  4. say we should accept this 


3. 英検準1級大問 [3] (=内容一致問題)にも、「抽象→具体」の展開は登場する                

Reading問題[3]は長文の内容一致問題ですが、その中にももちろん、「抽象→具体の論理関係」を含むものがあります。以下の準1級の問題を見てみましょう。緑色の部分が「抽象的内容(=筆者の主張)」であり、黄色の部分が「具体例」になり、全体が「抽象(主張) → 具体1+具体2 → 抽象(まとめ)」という関係になっています。

  Many educational experts and psychologists argue that early involvement in the business world is not good for youth character development. They warn that teens may find it hard to handle the incredibly stressful world of commerce and manage staff that are sometimes three times their age. Moreover, their desire to be famous and make a lot of money may distort their personalities. Though these experts acknowledge the usefulness of learning business concepts at an early age, they do not recommend teen involvement in the professional world beyond basic internships or part-time work.


(Q)What do some educational experts and psychologists believe?

1. Teenaged businesspeople are in danger of developing in a disadvantageous way because of their eagerness to become rich.

2. No business should be run by teens regardless of how experienced they are because it is illegal for them to sign contracts(×).

3. Children should focus on exercise and studying until they are mature enough(×) to handle the stress of great wealth.

4. A business environment is only beneficial for teens(×) if it allows them to learn all the interpersonal skills they need in the future(×).


