英文解釈の基礎1 — 構造把握 by 梅田英会話


英語の型 = 5文型(骨組み)+ 修飾語句(形容詞・副詞) 



第2文型:S+V+C(名詞 / 形容詞)



第5文型:S+V+O(名詞)+C(名詞 / 形容詞)




☞ 名詞のカタマリを四角カッコ [    ]、形容詞のカタマリを丸カッコ(  )、副詞のカタマリを三角カッコ <  > で括ってみましょう。

Bring me [that cigarette case (Mr. Worthing left in the smoking-room <the

last time he dined here>)].    (オスカー・ワイルド『真面目が肝心』)



You would cry, too, if you were an orphan and had come to a place (you thought was going to be home) and found [that they didn’t want you because you weren’t a boy]>.     (L.M.モンゴメリ『赤毛のアン』)




We get used to particular newspapers and magazines and often, after a while, come to take their typical content for granted. Some degree of familiarity with a particular paper or magazine is often necessary, if what it has to offer is to come through to us easily. But of course there is a danger, as we get used to the particular way of looking at the world which our favorite paper or magazine embodies, that we shall forget that it is, after all, only one of many possible ways. If we are to be alert and independent, as in a democracy we ought to be, we have to look critically at the content and methods we are used to as well as those which we have decided are not our kind.                 

<語句> particular 特定の、alert 世の中の動きに敏感である

independent 独自の考えを持つ、特定の見解に縛られない


分析してみましょう ☟

We get used to particular newspapers and magazines and often, after a while, come to take their typical content for granted. Some degree of familiarity with a particular paper or magazine is often necessary, if [what it has <to offer>] is to come through to us easily. But of course there is a danger , as we get used to the particular way of looking at the world (which our favorite paper or magazine embodies), that we shall forget [that it is, after all, only one of many possible ways]. If we are to be alert and independent <, as in a democracy we ought to be, > we have to look critically at the content and methods (we are used to) as well as those (which <we have decided> are not our kind).            


1行目: “be used to + 名詞” は状態を、“get used to + 名詞” は動作を意味する。

1行目: for a while 少しの間 → after a while しばらくして、

for a long while 長い間 → after a long while 久しぶりに




Beneath the buildings and streets of a modern city exists the network of walls, columns, cables, pipes and tunnels required to satisfy the basic needs of its inhabitants.

  • 名詞 and 名詞
  • 名詞, 名詞, 名詞, 名詞 and 名詞




2行目:familiarity — familiarの名詞形

familiar 深い知の状態(人間関係で使われると親しい状態) 

   He is familiar with Japanese culture. = Japanese culture is familiar to him.

      He is familiar with famous people in the political world. 政界の有名人と親しい


3行目:見せ掛けのhave to に注意!

 … , if what it has (to offer) is to come through to us easily.

※If節の中のbe to不定詞は「意図」



…there is a danger (, as … the … way of looking at the world < which …> ,)  that we shall forget [ that it is … only one of many possible ways ].



 If we are to be alert and independent, ( as < in a democracy > we ought to be ), …

       If節の中のbe to不定詞は「意図」(もし~するつもりなら)



 …, we have to look critically at the content and methods (we are used to) as well as those (which < we have decided > are not our kind).




