Topic 1
Agree or disagree: Climate change will continue to accelerate.
- Transition to alternative fuels will be difficult, and fossil fuels will continue to be used.
- Global warming will increase due to greenhouse gas emissions.
- Deforestation leads to environmental destruction, causing global warming and pollution.
- Population growth in developing countries is expected to cause further environmental destruction.
- Lifestyles in developed countries will not change, and energy consumption will continue to increase.
- Fossil fuels are expected to be depleted, and environmentally friendly renewable energies are being put to practical use.
- The safety of nuclear power generation, which does not contribute to global warming, is expected to increase in the future.
- The development of recycling technologies will help halt deforestation and global warming.
- The international community has agreed and is making efforts to address climate change.
Topic 2
Agree or disagree: Japan should accept more immigrants.
- The labor shortage, which is expected to become more serious in the future due to the declining birthrate, will be solved by accepting immigrants.
- By securing human resources from overseas, the domestic industry and economy are expected to grow.
- The increase in the number of foreign nationals will help promote international understanding through the knowledge of other cultures.
- It is our duty as a developed country to accept refugees and persecuted people.
- The number of Japanese unemployed may increase due to the increase in the number of immigrants.
- The average wage in Japan will decrease due to the increase in hiring workers from overseas with low wages.
- The number of unemployed Japanese may increase due to the rising number of immigrants.
- Differences in language, culture, and religion may create communication challenges and lead to confusion in the workplace and education.
- The use of robots and AI, rather than relying on immigrants, will be more effective in addressing labor shortages.
Topic 3
Agree or disagree: Artificial intelligence improves the quality of life.
- When AI is integrated into home appliances and automobiles, it reduces the burden of housework and labor, enabling more effective use of time.
- AI can make more accurate decisions with fewer errors than humans, thus increasing productivity.
- The use of AI will help alleviate labor shortages and meet demand with reduced labor.
- Effective use of AI reduces labor costs, thus increasing profit margins, which can then be returned to workers as higher income.
- AI may displace jobs and lead to increased unemployment.
- The development and maintenance of AI will incur substantial costs, but it is doubtful that there will be any real-life benefit.
- Dependence on AI tends to reduce human interaction.
- AI can pose a threat to society if misused.
Topic 4
Agree or disagree: Companies should abolish the mandatory retirement age.
- Amid concerns about labor shortages due to the declining birthrate, experienced and talented human resources can be secured.
- Through active involvement in society, elderly people can enjoy healthy and prosperous lives.
- Companies can avoid the need to hire and train new employees, thereby reducing recruitment and training costs.
- By continuing to work, the elderly can be relieved of concerns about their future pension income.
- Youth unemployment and part-time employment rates may rise, limiting opportunities for young people.
- The aging of the workforce could impede the generation of new ideas.
- As workers age, concerns about health and safety become more prominent for elderly employees.
Topic 5
Agree or disagree: Internet crime will continue to increase.
- The widespread use of PCs and smartphones has made children vulnerable targets in the online community.
- Internet crimes are becoming increasingly diverse, and this trend is expected to continue.
- Laws are falling behind the increase in online crimes, and complexity and variety of these crimes will continue to increase.
- As technology advances, new security software has been developed and efforts are being made to prevent crimes.
- The police are intensifying their investigations and crackdowns, which is expected to result in higher arrest rates for criminals.
Topic 6
Should violent scenes in publications and videos be regulated?
- Exposure to violent scenes can lead children to become more aggressive and prone to violence.
- Violent scenes can be addictive, and individuals may develop a tendency to seek out more extreme materials.
- Children may not be able to distinguish between reality and unreality.
- With the ease of posting violent content on the Internet, the potential negative effects could be endless if the Internet is not properly regulated.
- This is an infringement upon the freedom of expression and thought guaranteed by the Constitution.
- Rather than regulating freedom of expression, families and schools should be responsible for teaching individuals how to appropriately process information.
- The causal relationship between scenes of violence and aggression or crime is not entirely clear.
- It is virtually impossible to regulate all content on the Internet. This should be addressed on the consumer side.
Topic 7
Is the current Japanese society gender equal?
- Gender differences in educational opportunities for higher education have been improved.
- Women’s participation in society has progressed, providing them with more opportunities to play an active role in society.
- The working environment has been improved, resulting in a better working environment for women.
- Men’s attitudes toward housework and childcare have evolved.
- Women sometimes earn less on average than men.
- Women continue to bear a disproportionate burden of housework, childcare, and caregiving
- While the number of women in management positions has increased, but the percentage remains relatively low.
- There is a significant gender gap in the world, especially in the number of female ministers and legislators.
Topic 8
Agree or disagree: Japan has an excellent childcare environment.
- Japanese society is relatively safe, with low crime rates, and children can go out or stay home alone.
- Japan boasts a well-developed health insurance system and vaccinations are easily accessible.
- Compulsory education is well-established in Japan, equal educational opportunities are provided, and educational inequality is relatively low, compared to other countries in the world.
- Traditionally, Japan has maintained a well-balanced diet resulting in lower obesity rates compared to the United States.
- Education costs are high in Japan, placing a heavy financial burden on parents.
- There are limited government subsidies or preferential treatment for childbirth and childcare in Japan.
- Balancing work and childcare can be challenging in Japan.
- In Japanese society, men do not take childcare leave, and there is still a an expectation for women to bear the full responsibility for childcare.
- Japanese houses are typically small, making it difficult to accommodate many children. In addition, urban areas have limited outdoor play spaces.
Topic 9
Agree or disagree: Depopulation of local cities will continue to increase.
- Urban areas have good infrastructure, public transportation, medical facilities, commercial facilities, recreational facilities, and other conveniences that make life easier.
- Urban areas tend to attract people because of the greater job prospects opportunities and higher salaries.
- Because of the large number of high-quality educational institutions in urban areas, it is anticipated that students will continue to be drawn to these locations and will secure employment there after graduation.
- For the elderly, urban living is also convenient and appealing, as it can help alleviate feelings of loneliness.
- More people will consider relocating to rural areas as their parents age or they themselves retire.
- The lower cost of living in rural areas allows for a more comfortable lifestyle. Considering potential reductions in pension benefits, this will be favorable for their retirement.
- Remote working is possible through the Internet, and there is no information gap compared to urban areas.
- In contrast to cities, rural areas can offer a safer, less stressful, and healthier way of life.
Topic 10
Do you think telecommuting is a good thing?
- Telecommuting can be cost-effective because it eliminates the need for commuting and the use of office space.
- Telecommuting enables companies to hire talented people from all over the world.
- Telecommuting allows for a flexible work style, enabling employees to balance work with household responsibilities, childcare, and caregiving.
- Communication by phone or email can be limited, and telecommuting does not allow for direct conversations or meetings with colleagues.
- Telecommuting can potentially reduce productivity due to distractions from family matters.
- Telecommuting is applicable to only a limited number of industries and occupations.
Topic 11
Agree or disagree: More people will use e-learning in the future.
- E-learning does not require commuting to school, and tuition fees are relatively low.
- E-learning is not restricted by location or time, enabling individuals to balance work and childcare.
- E-learning offers a provides a vast selection of courses, allowing access to excellent classes from around the world.
- With e-learning, learners can choose the most suitable courses and have the option to repeat the course if they do not fully understand it.
- In e-learning, there is no direct communication with the teacher and there is minimal interaction with fellow students.
- In e-learning, students tend to be isolated because there are no classmates around them, and as a result, it is difficult to maintain motivation.
- The initial investment in creating an Internet environment can be costly and requires knowledge and skills to use.
- Group work, discussions, and subjects involving experiments and practical skills are challenging to offer through e-learning.
Topic 12
Agree or disagree: Japanese people lead healthy lifestyles.
- Japan has one of the longest life expectancies in the world, which reflects the fact that Japanese people are healthy.
- In Japan, the universal health insurance system allows people to receive excellent medical care at low cost, which increases the likelihood of complete recovery from illness.
- Many people in Japan eat a well-balanced diet.
- The media in Japan frequently covers medical care and health, raising public awareness.
- Japanese people are too busy with work, housework, and child-rearing to eat and sleep well.
- Japanese people are getting less exercise due to lifestyle changes, such as increased car usage and Internet addiction.
- Stress and mental health issues are on the rise in modern Japanese society.
Topic 13
Agree or disagree: Sports are essential for the healthy development of children.
- Regularly playing sports from a young age enhances physical fitness.
- Sports teach children discipline, patience, and courtesy.
- Team sports foster cooperation and consideration for teammates.
- Physical exercise helps relieve stress and allows students to concentrate on their studies.
- Familiarity and enjoyment of sports from childhood can lead to a lifelong commitment to sports and better health.
- Children who are not good at sports, being forced to participate can lead to a loss of confidence.
- Sports are good for the health, but excessive practice is not necessary for children.
Topic 14
Agree or disagree: No Overtime Day is a good thing.
- With no-overtime days, there is less worry about overworking and the associated health risks.
- Implementing no-overtime days can improve productivity by ensuring that work is completed within the allocated time, reducing time wastage.
- The introduction of no-overtime days can lead to a reduction in labor costs, which will ultimately lead to more profit for the company.
- The introduction of no-overtime days encourages men to participate in housework and childcare, potentially helping to curb the declining birthrate.
- No-overtime days enable employees to leave the office earlier, boosting consumption related to hobbies and leisure activities.
- Even with no-overtime days, employees will still have to take home work that cannot be completed within regular work hours, leaving their total working hours unchanged.
- If no-overtime days are introduced, overtime pay will decrease, making life more difficult for employees.
- The introduction of no-overtime days may result in a decrease in overall workload and potentially affecting company performance.
- No-overtime days may not allow for urgent cases to be handled.
Topic 15
Agree or disagree: Promoting tourism is beneficial to the region.
- Promoting tourism will increase the use of tourist attractions, stores, restaurants, transportation, and accommodation facilities by tourists.
- Tourism promotion will increase employment due to the economic benefits it generates.
- Tourism promotion can lead to improved infrastructure and enrich the lives of local residents and tourists.
- Local residents will be more motivated to preserve tourism resources through tourism promotion.
- Branding the area as a tourist destination will give local residents a sense of pride and help prevent depopulation.
- The development of the area into a tourist destination could lead to the destruction of natural resources and the lives of local residents will be adversely affected.
- The increase in the number of tourists may worsen the living environment due to issues such as traffic congestion, noise problems, and garbage problems.
- Tax revenues should be allocated to address pressing issues such as education, environment, and poverty, rather than tourism.
Topic 16
Agree or disagree: Japanese people are environmentally conscious.
- Bringing one’s own shopping bags has reduced the use of disposable items.
- In Japan, waste sorting is more thorough than in the past.
- LED light bulbs and electricity-efficient appliances are widely used in Japan, and Japanese people also have greater consideration for air conditioner temperature settings.
- Japan promotes the use of eco-friendly vehicles that emit fewer greenhouse gases and advances car-sharing services.
- Japanese people are aware of environmental problems but find it difficult to change their lifestyles, and their electricity consumption remains high.
- Cars are indispensable, particularly for the elderly, and their use is unlikely to decrease significantly in the future.