1. 2021年度の英検準1級・長文内容一致問題(大問3)
(37) Which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?
1. It is a mistake to judge Richard’s ability based only on the losses he suffered on the battlefield and not on the reforms he introduced.
2. The historians who claim that Richard knowingly carried out terrible acts are likely to be incorrect in their assessment of him.
3. The crimes that Richard committed while he was king greatly exceed the positive things he did for the country.
4. Richard was likely no better or worse as a ruler than other kings who ruled England in the distant past.
(2021年度第2回 英検準1級 一部抜粋)
2. ヒント付きの問題に再トライ
Debate continues, however, about how Richard became king and the things he did during his two years in power. The Richard III Society points to his notable social and political reforms and claims that he is innocent of the murders that were the source of his unfortunate reputation. However, while acknowledging that some of Richard’s policies were beneficial, many historians believe he was far from a generous or caring king and may very well have committed cruel acts. In the end, it is probably wisest [to see Richard as a ruler (who operated in a manner (typical of the time in which he lived))], and [to realize [that exactly how he came to power may not really matter that much]]. (以下省略)
(37) Which of the following statements would the author of the passage most likely agree with?
1. It is a mistake [to judge Richard’s ability <based only on the losses he suffered on the battlefield> and <not on the reforms he introduced>].
2. The historians who claim that Richard knowingly carried out terrible acts are likely to be incorrect in their assessment of him.
3. The crimes that Richard committed while he was king greatly exceed the positive things he did for the country.
4. Richard was likely no better or worse as a ruler than other kings who ruled England in the distant past.
つまり、筆者の主張はIn the endの後ろに書かれている内容であり、その前の部分は「リチャード3世協会の主張」と「多くの歴史家の主張」であるため、無関係と言えます。
※副詞のカタマリを< >、形容詞のカタマリを( )、名詞のカタマリを [ ] で囲っています。